Thank you.
I think we've gotten our message across:
and sewing for them is pretty sweet. I really hope we've rounded up enough boy-sewing projects to get the wheels turning and keep you busy for a good long while churning out stuff for the special boys in your lives.
We also need to say...
Specifically I'd like to thank:
- DANA. What a privilege to work with this brilliant, intelligent, fantastic, energetic, hilarious woman! She is a force to be reckoned with and I can't wait to see what she has to present the Sewing Universe in the future. After chatting online night after night after night I know way more than I ever imagined about this woman. She is just as down-to-earth and sweet as she seems on her blog. Dana, thank you so much for inviting me along for this Month of the Boy and providing such a great challenge for me and fantastic tutorials for everyone!
- MR RAE. You put up with more-than-the-usual amount of me puttering around on the computer and withheld all snarky comments, even when I was all "bloggity-blog-blog-blah-blah" on our anniversary AND your birthday. I'm sorry I made you wait to watch Modern Family. I'm not sure I'd have been so patient if the roles had been reversed. You're the best boy. Evar.
- MY GUEST BLOGGERS and GIVERSAWAY: LiEr, Shannon, Traci, Elli, Jenn, Andrea, Joanna, Holly, Meg, Karen, Shelly, Kristena, Care, Jess, Elizabeth, and Jessica (oh my dear goodness please let me not have forgotten anyone), saying you made this possible is the understatement of the century. I hope everyone appreciates how much work it is to get a brand new tutorial online (on an unfamiliar blog) on a deadline. You rock.
- YOU-FANTASTIC-READERS-YOU! If it hadn't been for the scores of emails and comments from all of you sending encouragement and letting us know how much you appreciated what we were up to, I probably would have said, "forget this craziness! someone get me a margarita!" And the fact that many of you supported me additionally by buying one or two of my patterns helped pay the babysitter who made sure my children didn't get completely neglected. Really. So thanks.
I feel like just I gave an Oscar-acceptance speech. Sorry about that. If you're finding this really annoying try and remember that I've never blogged this much in one month. Gives me huge respect for those of you who do the self portrait every day for a year or those 12-square quiltalongs. I leave you with this, from two crazy sleep-deprived women in Michigan and Texas:
Cross-continental high five. Woo-hoo!

images made w/ Poladroid, thanks to Kristena for the link
COMING SOON on Made By Rae... ?*
- More patterns
- More pictures of the other child (Yes, I have another one, but lacking a Y chromosome some of you thought I'd gone and sold her to the gypsies. You didn't say it, but I know what you were thinking.)
- Maybe a little of this (We'll talk. If you have no idea what this is about you can read a little here and even more here)
*depending on babysitter availability