GUEST POST: Soft Baby Book by Kristena
Happy Monday! Our final week of Boy Posts has begun. Today's guest blogger is Kristena Derrick, creator of the beautiful blog Thimbly Things. Her blog is filled with stunning light-filled vintagey photos that make me want to hop over to Oklahoma and hang out in her house. I began reading Thimbly Things last summer, attracted by her wardrobe refashions, but have since found her blog has just a little of everything: kids clothes, toys, recipes, crochet, and so on. She recently opened an Etsy shop where she sells prints and handmade items. She's currently obsessed with patternmaking, papercutting, sewing patchwork potholders and reading dottie angel. Kristena is married to her college sweetheart Evan (they just celebrated their 5-year anniversary on Friday) and has two toddlers Emily (3) and Jacob (almost 2). Today she's here to share a beautiful soft baby book tutorial with us. Here's Kristena:
Giving birth to my son, Jacob, may have been the greatest challenge of my life, but designing an original soft toy for him was, hands-down, the greatest challenge of my crafting life.
Jacob is so basic--so easy-going--that he doesn't need much to be happy. One yellow car, Elmo, Emily's babydoll (it's true), Thomas the Tank Engine, hugs, kisses, and some boardbooks: that's all it takes. Oh, and an open space in which he can run, do flips, sing, roar, dance, and hop-hop. Let's not forget all that.
He is just uncomplicated.
So what does a crafty mommy make for such a content little heart?
One that cannot be (easily) destroyed by tiny teeth, drool, or inquisitive little fingers.
One that is colorful and personal.
And one that has many of Jacob's favorite things.
Thus, I present to you the Soft Baby Book. Made from Mommy's old jeans. ;)
Simple and perfect for the boy. Come see the tutorial and template at Thimbly Things!
Enjoy, dear friends!
P.S. Thanks for hosting me, Rae! You're awesome. :)
Thanks so much Kristena for sharing such a fabulous tutorial! That would be perfect for a shower gift. I love it! I know one little baby girl who would love to have one of those too (and I'm sure I have at least one pair of jeans on "the pile")...
Dana always has something amazing going on at MADE; hop on over: